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Drinking Water Testing Services

Category Press Release
Publish Date 7/23/2024
Author Paul Cochrane
Title Resources in California to Comply with GSA’s New Water Testing Requirements
Introduction LA Testing offers laboratory services, sampling supplies and test kits to identify a wide range of microbial, heavy metal and chemical contaminants from building water systems and environmental samples.

Huntington Beach, California, July 22, 2024

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) recently implemented new water quality testing requirements. The agency claims they are a cornerstone in maintaining drinking water standards for federally owned facilities and leased space under their jurisdiction, custody or are GSA-controlled.

GSA’s Public Building Service (PBS) water quality management plan includes a scope of sampling and testing that is above established regulations. The PBS water quality management plan requires:

  • Establishing baseline drinking-water quality tests at approximately 1,400 federally owned facilities and approximately 6,000 leased spaces in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. 
  • Testing federally owned facilities that are over 1,000 square feet with drinking water systems and GSA-controlled leased spaces that do not expire in FY24.
  • Developing and implementing water sampling and flushing plans based on ASHRAE recommendations in approximately 350 federally owned facilities that are higher than six stories and over 50,000 square feet with one or more water booster pumps. 
  • Performing weekly water flushing in areas of buildings with childcare centers, healthcare units and showers, regardless of the building size.
  • Performing monthly Legionella testing of all cooling towers, humidifiers and decorative fountains (during the operating season).

“Drinking water tests at all applicable GSA-controlled spaces are required in the current fiscal year,” said Michael Chapman, Laboratory Manager of LA Testing’s Huntington Beach facility. “The GSA testing includes more than just sampling for Legionella. Lead, copper, total coliform bacteria and E.coli are also on the list. For those who have to meet these requirements in California, LA Testing’s network of laboratories have the expertise and analytical capabilities to comply with all of the new GSA water testing protocols.”

To learn more about Legionella and other water quality management testing services and sampling supplies, please visit, email or call (800) 755-1794. 

About LA Testing

LA Testing is California’s leading laboratory for environmental and indoor air quality testing of asbestos, mold, bacteria, lead, VOCs, formaldehyde, soot, char, ash and smoke damage, particulates and other chemicals. In addition, LA Testing offers a full range of air sampling and investigative equipment to professionals and the general public. LA Testing maintains an extensive list of accreditations including: AIHA LAP LLC., AIHA ELLAP, AIHA EMLAP and AIHA IHLAP, CDC ELITE, NVLAP, State of California, State of Hawaii Department of Health and other states. LA Testing, along with the EMSL Analytical, Inc. network, has multiple laboratories throughout California including South Pasadena, Huntington Beach, San Leandro and San Diego.

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