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Asbestos Testing Services

Category Press Release
Publish Date 9/2/2021
Author Paul Cochrane
Title Commercial Property Owner in California Pleads Guilty to Asbestos Violations
Introduction LA Testing provides laboratory services to detect asbestos from bulk materials and environmental samples.

Huntington Beach, CA, September 2nd, 2021

A California county attorney’s office recently announced that a businessman has pleaded guilty to three criminal charges arising from an incident that took place last year. The man had been caught dumping asbestos that had been removed from commercial buildings he owned onto another one of his properties in a residential neighborhood.

According to the DA’s office, the individual did not possess any of the proper permits or authorization needed to transport the asbestos and dumped the asbestos in a way that could cause it to become airborne and expose other nearby residences. Investigators also discovered another location on the same property where asbestos had been dumped several years before.

“In this case, the defendant pleads guilty to felony charges of transporting hazardous materials without a permit and improper disposal of hazardous materials, as well as a misdemeanor charge of endangering a state waterway,” said Joseph Frasca, Senior Vice President of Marketing at LA Testing. “The DA has stated that if the asbestos was handled properly, it would have cost the defendant about $10,000. Instead, with fines and cleanup fees, the cost is more than $330,000, plus formal felony probation with 120 days in jail. This is a reminder to everyone that there are serious consequences for violating asbestos regulations which are in place to protect people from exposure to asbestos fibers.”

In California, LA Testing provides laboratory services, sampling supplies, test kits, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to identify asbestos exposure hazards. These services can be essential for keeping companies, institutions, and individuals in compliance with asbestos regulations.

To learn more about asbestos testing services, sampling supplies and PPE, please visit, email, or call (800) 755-1794. For access to asbestos and other indoor environmental quality (IEQ) test kits, visit

About LA Testing
LA Testing is California’s leading laboratory for indoor air quality testing of asbestos, mold, lead, VOCs, formaldehyde, soot, char, ash, and smoke damage, particulates, and other chemicals. In addition, LA Testing offers a full range of air sampling and investigative equipment to professionals and the general public. LA Testing maintains an extensive list of accreditations including AIHA-LAP, LLC (AIHA-LAP, LLC EMLAP, AIHA-LAP, LLC IHLAP, AIHA-LAP, LLC ELLAP), CDC ELITE, NVLAP, State of California, State of Hawaii Department of Health, and other states. LA Testing, along with the EMSL Analytical, Inc. network, has multiple laboratories throughout California including South Pasadena, Huntington Beach, San Leandro, San Diego, and Ontario.

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